Canada-wide Resources on the
Abuse of Older Adults
Into the Light: National Survey on the Mistreatment of Older Canadians 2015 https://cnpea.ca/en/resources/studies/68-the-national-survey-on-the-mistreatment-of-older-canadians-a-prevalence-study
What Every Older Canadian Should Know about Power of Attorney and Joint Bank Accounts
Age Friendly Rural and Remote Communities
Decision Making and Legal Tools https://yukon.ca/en/health-and-wellness/care-services/find-decision-making-and-legal-tools-adults – this resource, although based in the Yukon Territory may be of use to those navigating the area of Power of Attorney and Decision Making.
Strategic Plans to Address
the Abuse of Older Adults
Several jurisdictions in Canada have developed a provincial strategy to address the abuse of older adults (follow the link below). The NWT Seniors’ Society is currently working towards creating a strategy specific to the needs and realities of the NWT.
Overview of Networks in Canada.
The Law & Legislative Frameworks to Address the Abuse of Older Adults Resources
Responding to Elder Abuse and Neglect By Province/Territory List (2010, yet still applicable)
A Practical Guide to Elder Abuse and Neglect Law in Canada: Canadian Centre for Elder Law (2011, yet still applicable)