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About Us

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Established in 2011, the Network is a group of NWT residents who advocate for older adult abuse awareness and prevention. The Network provides support, community workshops, information, and training to those committed to ending abuse of older adults in the NWT. We also discuss current events in our communities for older adults, plan for special events such as Seniors Citizens’ Month, World Elder Abuse Awareness Week, and share information on funding and training available.


Currently the Network has over 50 members, including:

  • Non-profit organizations

  • Service-providers

  • Indigenous governments

  • GNWT Departments

  • Community members


If you work with older adults, or are an older adult yourself, you likely have a lot to share and learn from others across the NWT. Let us know you’re interested by connecting with Karen Willy, Executive Director of the NWT Seniors’ Society: or 867-920-7444 (1-800-661-0878 toll-free).

Did you know?

The Network also offers workshops and training to community members, service providers and older adults, empowering communities to stop abuse towards older adults. See the Workshops section for more information.

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Work in partnership and collaboration with older adults and their families, caregivers, service providers, government departments and agencies, Indigenous organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) and others to advance the goals and objectives of the NWT Network to achieve its vision.



The NWT Network will build and maintain relationships and support networks to eliminate abuse of older adults throughout the NWT. The document entitled Making Connections, Building Networks to Prevent Abuse of Older Adults –
A Framework for Action (February 2011) 
serves as the basis of the NWT Network’s mandate. The document Leading the Way – The Work Continues: Planning for a Territorial Network to Prevent Older Adult Abuse (November 2011) will also guide the NWT Network and its work.


Mission & Mandate

Mission and Mandate

Network Objectives

The goal is to establish networks in every region of the NWT which supports activities and strategies that decrease tolerance of abuse and neglect, and support older adults to be safe and secure in their homes. The term ‘homes’ includes long-term care facilities, extended care, public housing, owned or leased private residences, and supported living facilities.


The objectives connected with this goal are to:

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  • Promote education & awareness about abuse of older adults throughout the NWT


  • Support the development of Community & Regional Support Networks to respond to and prevent abuse of older adults


  • Encourage training in identification, intervention and prevention strategies for front-line services providers and caregivers


  • Maintain a communications strategy to address the issue of abuse of older adults throughout the NWT


  • Serve as a resource for information about referral and intervention services in the NWT



  • Seek funding to continue the work to prevent abuse of older adults


  • Establish linkages with other jurisdictions


  • Promote the development of an NWT strategy to prevent abuse of older adults


  • Explore and recommend appropriate legislative, policy, and other approaches to address abuse of older adults


  • Promote research into understanding and addressing risk factors and the root causes of abuse and neglect of older adults, as well as best practices in programs and services that support the victim and perpetrator


  • Advocate on behalf of older adults on the issue of abuse and neglect

For more information on the NWT Network, please see the Terms of Reference

Network Objectives
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