Abuse of older adults continues to be a major issue in communities throughout the NWT and Canada. This was identified in the Making Connections Building Networks to Prevent Abuse of Older Adults Phase I Research Report.
Older adult abuse takes on many forms including physical, psychological, financial, verbal, sexual, and emotional abuse. Financial abuse is the most common.
We hope this site is a useful tool for you to find more information about the abuse of older adults at a community, territorial, national, and international level.
Information for this section was compiled using the following resources:
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the Executive Director of the NWT Seniors’ Society, at ed@seniorsnwt.ca

Forms of Abuse and Neglect

Click on image to enlarge
Other Forms of Abuse
Systemic Abuse
Our society and the systems that exist within society can create, allow, or worsen elder abuse. The most common form of abuse is discrimination against seniors due to their age. Often times, this discrimination combines with additional factors as well: gender, race, colour, language, ethnic background, religion, sexual orientation, ability, economic status, or geographic location.
Institutional Abuse
Any physical, sexual, emotional, or financial abuse or neglect occurring within a facility. For example, active victimization, withholding or denying individual care needs, failure to respect an individual’s rights, over-medicating, etc.
Other Forms of Abuse
Systemic Abuse
Our society and the systems that exist within society can create, allow, or worsen elder abuse. The most common form of abuse is discrimination against seniors due to their age. Oftentimes, this discrimination combines with additional factors as well: gender, race, colour, language, ethnic background, religion, sexual orientation, ability, economic status, or geographic location.
Institutional Abuse
Any physical, sexual, emotional, or financial abuse or neglect occurring within a facility. For example, active victimization, withholding or denying individual care needs, failure to respect an individual’s rights, over-medicating, etc.

Accessing Help
Emergency Numbers:
- Contact 1-866-223-7775 for 24-hour support or to obtain an Emergency Protection Order
- Call your local RCMP if you need immediate assistance.
- Call 911 or Community RCMP contacts
Crisis Lines/Family Violence Contacts:
Support for Older Adults throughout the NWT:
Family Violence Crisis line
Victim Services contact information
Legal Aid in the NWT https://www.justice.gov.nt.ca/en/legal-aid/
Community Court Worker contact information
Community counselling program contacts
Non-Emergency Numbers:
- Seniors’ Information Line: 1-800-661-0878