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Information for
Service Providers

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General Information for Service
Providers and Caregivers


When trying to assist a victim of abuse:

  1. Consider the impact on:  the person, their wishes, their willingness to make changes, and their ability to recognize that they may be a victim of abuse.​

  2. Note their mental capacity for decision-making and understanding of the consequences of their decisions.

  3. Before a person will seek or agree to accept help, they need to be able to trust you and know that you will follow through with the help you offer.

  4. You could be working alone or as part of a team of service providers that could support the person to be healthy and safe. Be aware of appropriate resources or know how to link with the broader community.

The following links are interactive presentation materials that are ideal for use in a classroom or workshop setting, to introduce the subject of elder abuse. Please click on links for sources.





























Information for Volunteers


  • How can you help? ( From Yukon Get Help: a senior or adult is being abused)

    • Talk to the adult alone where they feel safe, for example when they’re away
      from the abuser.

    • Tell them in a caring way what your concerns are and that you are there to help.

    • Believe what they say and ask if they would like assistance.

    • Listen, support and assure them that there is help and that they are not alone.

    • Educate yourself about abuse and available resources and offer to be part of the adult’s safety planning.

    • Do not judge the adult or deny that the abuse is occurring.

    • Be patient and seek support for yourself too.



 Financial Abuse Focus





 Abuse of Older Women




Creating Awareness of
Elder Abuse through Drama


This program is directed towards the older population, caregivers and the community as a whole, in order to raise awareness that abuse of older people is a serious problem. The kit provides scripts, production notes, questions and answers, and action and prevention tips for train-the-trainer programs. To purchase copies of the kit contact: Oshawa Senior Citizen Centres at 905-576-6712, or for further information contact the authors:


Joan Hill: 905-436-1222 /
Roxy Barnes: 905-623-5327 /




Privacy Legislation

Ensure privacy and confidentiality when discussing issues of abuse and neglect, unless legal obligations require disclosure of information. Privacy legislation creates the rules about the collection, use and disclosure of information about individuals and when this collection, use and disclosure can be done with and without the consent of the individual.


Privacy law is complex. It is recommended that you seek legal advice from your own agency/authority to determine what legislation applies in your jurisdiction, to your particular investigation and how that legislation and the associated case law is interpreted in practice.


The federal government, and the provinces and territories, have passed legislation governing the collection, use and disclosure of personal information in a manner that recognizes the right of privacy of individuals with respect to their personal information and the need of organizations to collect, use or disclose personal information for purposes that a reasonable person would consider appropriate in the circumstances. There also may be provisions in other statutes that may be relevant to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information in reference to your investigation.

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